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How to Clear a Clogged Shower Drain

Posted by Admin | 16 Dec
A shower drain is a drain that carries water from your shower into the drainage system. It is usually located below your drain cover and is shaped like a u-shaped bend. This is so that it traps water and prevents sewer gases from escaping.
There are many different types of shower drains. They differ in size and installation, but they all perform the same basic function: removing water and allowing it to flow down the drain.
A shower drain comes with a strainer that works to keep large objects from entering the pipe. This is also an effective method for preventing odors.
The best way to clear a clogged shower drain is to use a plunger. It will not only dislodge the clog, but it will also help keep the pipes clean.
You can also use vinegar and baking soda to clear out your pipes. These two ingredients mixed with boiling water can dissolve soap scum and other softer buildup. This is not only good for cleaning the shower drain, but it can also clean your hair and remove odors.
A snake is another tool to use when tackling a clogged shower drain. It resembles a toilet auger and can be purchased from a number of stores.
The trick with using a snake is to slowly pull it out and to make sure you don't lose the clog. It may be wise to get a professional to do the job for you.